
Monday, June 2, 2014

#Herbamare Zesty - Shakshouka

Day 2 of the Herbamare challenge and I'm using AVogel's Herbamare Zesty in this Middle Eastern fave, Shakshouka !

Such a simple and delicious recipe, and I think the perfect dish to use Herbamare Zesty!

Zesty is as yummy as our favourite Herbamare Original with the addition of chillli and horseradish, both giving it a nice punch of flavour, almost like that secret ingredient that you just can't put your finger on, it isn't really spicy or hot so don't be discouraged from trying it!

I'm making this Shakshouka using duck eggs but use whatever eggs you prefer.

-1 can of san marzano whole tomatoes, drain the liquid sauce and use only the whole tomatoes

(if you'd like to use fresh tomatoes then by all means chop a bunch up in rough cubes)

-3 tbsp olive oil

-1 medium red onion
-2 medium cloves garlic

Optional ingredients that I didn't use today:

Green bell pepper 

3-4 eggs (I used duck eggs)

Start by heating the olive oil in a pan and sauteeing the onion on medium heat until translucent, then add the garlic until fragrant and add your whole tomatoes (or fresh chopped) 

If you're adding green bell pepper you would sautee it with the onion*

At this point season generously with AVogel Herbamare Zesty and let the tomatoes cook down and release the liquid. You want a bit of sizzling to happen at the bottom of the pan, that makes for the best roasted flavour. Cover and let the steam escape from the lid but cook on medium low for a while.

When you're almost ready to serve simply make a small indent into the tomato and drop your eggs in, continue to cook on medium with the lid off until your eggs are cooked to your liking.

I used 3 eggs but you can do up to 4 with one can of tomato. 

Don't forget to season the egg with a little more of the #Herbamare Zesty and enjoy with flat bread and salad as a breakfast, lunch or dinner entree!

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