Saturday, August 13, 2011

Boston Cream Pie French Toast


marla {family fresh cooking} said...

Now this is some kinda fabulous french toast!

Ari said...

I'm drooling. This looks delicious!

Anonymous said...

looks amazing, ahhh ! who needs to read about food when it can just be gawked at?

Amatullah said...

I figured it's simple enough with just the photos. It's more of an inspiration and I had the pastry cream on hand from the cream puffs I made earlier in the week which were thawed out from a party earlier in June haha, so a lot of recycling going on! I love that about food!

Anonymous said...

confession: I don't like french toast. But I'm pretty sure I'm converting cuz this.looks.AH-MAZING!

Jenn (Cookies Cupcakes Cardio) said...

That is oh so wrong! And I can't wait to try it myself!

Anonymous said...

Can you post the recipe please? Thanks!

Amatullah said...

For the pastry cream recipe:

For the ganache recipe:

1 store bought loaf of bread, cut into thick slices. Or use brioche. Cut a slice in the bottom as the picture shows for the stuffing later.

Eggs (depends on how many you're making)

Beat eggs, add a bit of cream to it and soak bread in it as if you're making french toast.

Fry the bread in butter until golden.

Let them cool briefly, use a pastry bag filled with the pastry cream or use a spoon to fill the french toast.

Cover or drizzle the top of the toast with ganache.


Sara said...

This looks SO good - fantastic! What a decadent treat! :)