The day went so fast I hadn't even noticed but when I did it was already Asr time (later afternoon)
Spent most of the day in my room, on the laptop and occassionally catching a glimps of the oustide world through the window on my right. It rained, and there were beautiful little beads scattered all over the outside of my window, it feels like spring is here but my sister argues that the weather man warned that more snow will be falling later this week *hopes not*
Rain reminds me of the occassional rain fall in San'aa, Yemen, unlike here the streets would turn into mud (which made it harder for me to leave the house) but at the same time once the sun came out the earth would dry up pretty quickly which was a great blessing. And I enjoyed the rain because it would cool down the place.
I've been having some pretty weird dreams lately.. maybe it's because I've go the flu which usually causes some mild hallucinations. Dreams are such a huge topic of interest, I've always found them fascinating as well ... sometimes they can distort reality though, sometimes they can be contradictory too.
To flickr news: I'm happy that the awareness photo I posted has done very well, so many people joined by adding their support and lighting a candle, I only pray that it will make a difference for the cause.

i want to dive into those pillows and that book! how comfy.
: D
oh thats a beautiful pic and for a worthy cause too.............wud love to shoot something similar myself....i love the interplay of lights and shadows :)
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