By time we arrived there it was snowing lightly but as we left and got home the weather was better, not too cold but still a couldy day. We began joking, taking photos and eating candy even on the way back, my sisters stuffed their purses with candy and so that was wonderful.
As we arrived back home we undressed and went back into our pijamas or comfy clothes, then we began videoing and opening all the lovely gifts.. it was really great, everyone was surprised and really happy, this is truly the best year ever!
I got my camera out realy and began taking pictures of everything - the last gift we opened was the Nintendo Wii, my sister took a bit to set it all up then we tested it out, GREAT fun the tennis was, then we tried bowling and golf, now as I write my mom and youngest sister are boxing (yeah and it's 10:30 PM :P)
Yesterday night we got an early Eid gift from my sister, she surprised us with Ice Age2, it was such a funny movie, I had to watch it again today so we all sat down earlier around 6:00 and watched it over after a pizza dinner.
Back to earlier in the day, around noon after a light Sushi snack that we picked up on the way home in the morning we were off to get dressed for photos, everyone put on their lovely clothes, shoes, makeup, hair was done and everyone looked amazing, we spent the afternoon playing more Wii and checking out the other Wii games.
My sisters were really surprised with their gifts, my youngest sister got an FX master replica Luke Skywalker lightsaber which she's been wanting for a while, she was really surprised.
My second sister got the playstation portable, and she was also really excited because she didn't expect it. It wasn't until I pulled out "Call of duty 3" for the Xbox 360 that she almost cried, we watched videos of her over and over of her expression when she tore open the paper, I'd say that was the best moment of the entire day : )
My third sister got a coach handbag which I picked out myself, I wasn't sure how she'd react to it but upon seeing it I knew it was her style and though it was a big gamble getting it I'm so glad she loved it to pieces!
Other gifts include books, PSP games, Xbox and Wii games, cash, stuffed animals, and other cute little collectibles.Our kitty got a nice big bag of Fancy feast along with a little plastic turtle and fuzzy octopus.
Tomorrow (inshaa Allaah) we'll be taking my sisters somewhere as a surprise - I can't mention it here either as I'm not sure if any of them are lurking around here ; ) I'll post more about it later.. all I'm saying now is that I hope I'm able to pick up some more sushi tomorrow.
Here is my flickr album, there is a lot more uploaded there. Here are some pics below of the day.
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